Running a Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign [Quick Tips]

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Image credit: Tiffanytlcbm via Pixabay

Did you know that there is at least one mobile device for every person in the world, and then some? Despite the high adoption of mobile technology, mobile marketing ads still account for less than half of all Internet-based ads. Think of the marketing potential!

The key to marketing to mobile users lies in the strategies that you use. Not every type of ad will do. So, how can you run a successful mobile marketing campaign? Where should you even start?

1.     Define Your Objectives

What are your goals and objectives? What results are you aiming to achieve? Whom are you targeting? Never start a mobile marketing campaign without stating your goals and defining your objectives. By defining your marketing objectives early on, you will be able to stay on course and take purposeful steps that can take your business where it needs to be.

2.     Offer Opt-In and Opt-Out Options

People hate being bombarded with spammy ads. No one likes to see marketing ads that he or she did not sign up for—they are annoying. For that reason, the first step you should take when launching your mobile marketing campaign is to get the permission of your target audience.

Ensure that you send an initial message that gives a summary of your marketing campaign. Then offer opt-in and an opt-out options to your audience. If your initial message is attractive enough, giving potential customers the option to accept any more would make them more amenable to your campaign.

3.     Incentivize Participation

It is almost impossible to find someone who doesn't like rewards. You need to use this human tendency to ensure that your mobile marketing campaign is successful.

Offer rewards or exclusive memberships to those who chose to receive your marketing ads. Offer even more rewards like loyalty points, coupons, and gift certificates to those who share your ads and encourage others to participate. The incentive you offer should be used to meet your goals. These goals may include customer participation, increased subscriptions, enhanced sales and so on. The more attractive your incentives are, the more people you will be able to reel in. Referrals can greatly contribute to the success of your marketing campaigns.

4.     Segment Your Ads Based on Market Research

Your business can't be everything to everyone. Take time to study your target audience. When do your potential customers shop? What do they like to buy? Which payment methods do they prefer? What kind of information are they always looking for?

Based on the insight you obtain from your market research, segment your ads. Use different mobile ads to target specific demographics. Do not be afraid to use different ads for different segments of the market. By personalizing your marketing ads, you are likely to obtain better results.

5.     Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

Research shows that over 90% of SMS are read within 3 minutes of being received. Mobile device users are always on the go, and don't like to waste time. For that reason, the KISS strategy applies. Your ads should each show one message, and one message only. By keeping it simple, you will be in a better position to communicate your marketing message clearly. This in turn can ensure that your potential customers understand what you want to say.

6.     Implement a Call to Action

Once you have communicated your message via mobile ads, you need to direct your audience to where want them to go. Your call to action should be short, authoritative, and clear. This will help the undecided to choose an action that meets your business goals.


If you take time to create practical objectives and implement your strategies effectively, mobile marketing can greatly enhance your sales and revenues.

mempostingkan 23 Oktober, 2015


Content Marketing Writer

I have been a freelance writer since 2011 and writing is my passion. I take pride in creating informative yet clear content that readers will appreciate and learn from. My work always speaks for itself. I have written SEO and general content articles by the hundreds. Some of the articles that I have written about revolve around topics such as budgeting, saving, investments, freelancing, SEO, aff...

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