Freelancer: Artheart556
Laporkan Entri

Slrrp basic comic concept

Hi, first of all I would like to thank you for this contest, I love fantasy, I love art, and I love them even more when combined. I expected the contest to end in two weeks but it became shorter so I didn’t have time to do any of the shading and details as I’ve got a family to raise but I just drew the basic concept. Slrrp sounds like such a funny and bubbly character. Can’t wait to read his comics!

Entri Kontes #39 untuk                                                Villain Concept (Fantasy) Illithid Pirate

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • aidannutting
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 2 tahun yang lalu

    I love your design - I'm so sorry the contest ended early, we were just blown away by the submissions and our budget quickly went out the window!

    The face sketch is wonderful - the glaregoggle is probably the best take I've seen so far on it. I love him laying on the couch and hanging around - you've put him in some fun spots!

    We will need a portion of the project to be Slrrp and his little shenanigans in a comic format - how comfortable would you feel with drawing simple frames for that sort of thing? THe start of the show would really be eyes and facial expressions rather than other details?

    • 2 tahun yang lalu
    1. Artheart556
      • 2 tahun yang lalu

      Yes. I would love to work on this project and bring it to life. It’s also really fun veiwing all the different styles of this character you described. I’m very happy you were pleased with mine. It gives me the motivation to continue to be an even better digital artist.

      • 2 tahun yang lalu