Freelancer: chuttifactory
Laporkan Entri

My roles, responsibilities as a video maker/edit

Hi E.E, This my fifth entry.I could not send quality video due to freelancing procedures(freelancer only allowed up-to 250 MB videos).Original video file size is 1080p,16*9 Topic: 16.What are my roles, responsibilities, and deliverable as a FREELANCE video maker/edit? What do I really do? What tools do i use? How do i get the job done, and why do customers keep coming back to me? Best Regards, Prakash B

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • chuttifactory
    • 3 tahun yang lalu

    Hi E.E,
    We are waiting for your result.Thank you...

    • 3 tahun yang lalu