Freelancer: Arshad1Pervez
Laporkan Entri

Floor plan for student's residence

Hello dear sir, I upload modified floor plan. I hope that you like and select my entry. After your revise my entry and give me feedback please if you change. I am available for you to any change or correction. Here i attached two options like option-1 & option-2. So please inform to me what type of option you more like. Every floor included five(5) rooms & each room's area over 13 sqm+. Thank So much.

Entri Kontes #50 untuk                                                Floor Plan needed for a student residence

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • joelka
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 5 tahun yang lalu

    Hi Arch,
    thanks for your entry. I prefer option 2. I like that all bathrooms have window. On the two rooms on left hand side, there is an hallway. Why don't use that space for room?

    • 5 tahun yang lalu