Freelancer: trincheracreativ
Laporkan Entri


Hi! I would like to be sure that is what you like to be able to work with the rest of the icons

Entri Kontes #1 untuk                                                Flat Design Characters

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • fangwichaya
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 6 tahun yang lalu

    Hello! I have 2 things;

    1) It should reflect more of the personality.
    For now this looks just like normal chimpanzee.

    The Chimp is ENTP Debater, maybe he should be looking like he's intelligent and challenging. As you can see from 16personalities, Debater expresses that feeling. Try adding gesture and expression.

    2) Style is too similar to the source?
    Try making him more cartoonish.


    • 6 tahun yang lalu