Freelancer: ashiqriyad
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Abyan Tiles & Abyad Marbles

Dear Sir, Good Morning. This is my forth time submission to your project. This time, I preferred Arabic words and fortunately discovered two words, Witches fulfill all your requirements. ABYAN Arabic name, meaning "clear, evident, obvious." Abyan is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “clearer”, “more eloquent”, “more distinct”. Abyad means white the Arabs of the past used the word abyad (white) was to describe not a person’s complexion, but to describe his/her honor or dignity. Abyad (white) meant to the Arabs of the past that a person had a clean reputation and unblemished dignity and honor.  Tha'alab, the Arabic language scholar of the 9th century AD said: "The Arabs don't say that a man is abyad (white) because of a abyad (white) complexion. Abyad (White) to the Arabs means that a person is pure, without any faults.”

Entri Kontes #38 untuk                                                Find me two names for our companies!

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  • ashiqriyad
    • 8 tahun yang lalu

    Thank you for your feedback.

    • 8 tahun yang lalu