Freelancer: Spector01
Laporkan Entri

by Spector01

sense of an idea that the tree trunk is a hand which symbolizes craft (processing) green leaves are a prosperity and use of natural material. an opening in a tree - more than a literal sense from the name. As for the text - we have two "H" so why will repeat? let's divide one "H" into two words))) Personally I am proud of the development and semantic loading of a logo. Please tell me what do you think about this version? Thanks

Entri Kontes #25 untuk                                                Design a Logo for Hidey Hole Crafts

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • Spector01
    • 9 tahun yang lalu

    I forgot to add also that, the hand is also a bird - a lucky bird

    • 9 tahun yang lalu