Freelancer: ChetanBais
Laporkan Entri

My Entry

Hi, Please take your valuable time to have a look on my entry -Made this minimalist design - I Included an QR code which will display all of information of your product when someone scan it -included a text line so you can add additional text if you would like to -used the STRONG color as you suggested -file is 1460*1960 px as per the requirement and fully editable kindly let me know your suggestion, I have worked previously with a contest holder from France, I will provide you full support for your satisfaction

Entri Kontes #108 untuk                                                Cover for software box

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • julienplanche
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 4 tahun yang lalu

    Hello, I like your work, is it possible to change the currencies logo to put the most popular in this order: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, XMR ? Thanks

    • 4 tahun yang lalu
    1. ChetanBais
      • 4 tahun yang lalu

      Yes, it is possible. It is a sealed entry and after I update this with the suggestions you have gave I have to upload a new entry. Which can lead to someone can try to steal of copy the design. If you can please send me a private message so I will be able to show all updates very efficently

      • 4 tahun yang lalu