Freelancer: davidgrafig
Laporkan Entri

street modify

269/5000 I put the palm tree, the lighting, a traffic light that should carry, a pedestrian crossing, the urbanization or commercial entro that is there, I gave a touch to the road, I included a cespe .. If he lacks something or wants something to change, he tells me and I do

Entri Kontes #21 untuk                                                Road Design Photoshop

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • smitkyle
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 5 tahun yang lalu

    This looks good but the wind turbines can be removed. The crossing has to pass the median and the light has to turn the opposite way as the traffic is flowing from the north of the image

    • 5 tahun yang lalu