Freelancer: rahulthakur97
Laporkan Entri

web Banner for Fb

I have my PSD file if you any change and add something please contact.

Entri Kontes #12 untuk                                                Catchy Facebook Ad/Banner

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • waqaskhan053
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 5 tahun yang lalu

    Hi Rahul, Thanks for participating. I like the idea it's creative. Although, it would look more appealing if you can use some icons around our services. Secondly, the contact information is too prominent, may be it can be pushed down the bottom with smaller font and in lower case letters. Facebook icon can be used instead of FB/Techbotix. Also, the email icons and a phone icon. Thanks

    • 5 tahun yang lalu