I am looking to migrate a CreLoaded eCommerce store to either OsCommerce or OpenCart, with integration to InforSX. I need someone who can provide a successful migration and set up InforSX integration, as this has not been done before. There is less than 10,000 pieces of data that need to be migrated so the project should be relatively straightforward. I am open to suggestions from experienced professionals on how to best manage the process and complete the job efficiently. I am excited to explore these options and find the best way to complete this project successfully.
Hi, I need an experienced CreLoaded web developer to upgrade 4 websites running on outdated version of PHP 5.3.29 with registers_global "enabled" to PHP 7.4 or 8 with registers_global "disabled" The developer must be well experienced with CreLoaded
I need to upgrade my CREloaded to a version that is compatible with PHP 7
We have regular work for a good hard working website programmer that is proficient with older ecommence/loaded sites. We would like to start with a couple small fixes to evaluate skills, communication and an ability to work hard and efficiently with minimum of fuss and stress. Time wasters need not apply.
1/Find the issue with a normally working purchase code feature. 2/Copy a popup feature that show products purchased that already exists in another part of the website.
If successful there will be a lot of work after that. Our automatic cron backup stopped working and an automatic logging in and adding of a product to the customers cart stopped working when our site was upgraded.
we need help to migrate our store running on creloaded 6.15 to Magento latest version with all configuration of tax, Canada Post shipping module .... Only developers with experience will be considered for the project. Thanks, Jason, Martial Arts Depot
New SSL certificate purchased and all ok on hosting server. Have been advised CRE loaded code needs to be changed.
This is for programmers only please I have 3 sites which are based on creloaded 6.2. I will need you to create a tool that will transfer my whole database of products, images, prices, description, basically whole site from creloaded 6.2 to a newer cart either magento or newest creloaded. Once this is done, i will have cart installed based on which one you recommend for the tool and you will transfer all to the new cart. Sites are , and Sites stopped working after a server upgrade for our server to host a new magento site we were working on. We moved these 3 sites to new server but still will not work (says product not found and some pages wont come up). All work has to be done from database as there is no admin for the sites anymore
This is for programmers only please I have 3 sites which are based on creloaded 6.2. I will need you to create a tool that will transfer my whole database of products, images, prices, description, basically whole site from creloaded 6.2 to a newer cart either magento or newest creloaded. Once this is done, i will have cart installed based on which one you recommend for the tool and you will transfer all to the new cart. Sites are , and Sites stopped working after a server upgrade for our server to host a new magento site we were working on. We moved these 3 sites to new server but still will not work (says product not found and some pages wont come up). All work has to be done from database as there is no admin for the sites anymore
Websites are , and Our server has been updated recently as we installed a new magento cart on another one of our sites, which required we update the server. The sites no longer function right after server update. We have moved the 3 sites a new hosting but still not working We need someone who is very savvy with this kind of issue to get sites back to normal so that products can display normally and available for purchase. It just says product not found when clicked. Please ensure it is something you can fix before bidding. Or if building a new cart is the only way out, also advise
website is and server has been updated recently as we installed a new magento cart on another one of our sites. We need someone who will install a new cart and move all products to the new cart and also ensure that all is functioning right. Or do updates to make everything start back working normal. If you click on products, it just says product not found.
Hi, We are looking for a very good programmer in php and other various platforms. It has to be expert in building shopping carts (OS Commerce, Creloaded etc...) but also maintain and manage servers. We have a website and cart currently running and also a dedicated server (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) We had a very good programmer working for us for the past 15 year that just retired so we need. Please send your cv and looking forward to create a long term relationship. We have some issues that needs attention and work right away
We used the Magnetic One SEO Urls addon for our Creloaded store but it is no longer support by them. It seems the application has become corrupt and despite uploading the source files again it still doesnt work. I am getting errors like below: Fatal error: Undefined class name 'm1_base' in public_html/shop/includes/uadmin/ on line 0 If you can repair this, or uninstall the addon please place your bid. Thanks
We used the Magnetic One SEO Urls addon for our Creloaded store but it is no longer support by them. It seems the application has become corrupt and despite uploading the source files again it still doesnt work. I am getting errors like below: Strict Standards: Non-static method m1_loader::dir_catalog() should not be called statically in public_html/shop/ on line 0 Strict Standards: Non-static method m1_loader::getinstance() should not be called statically in public_html/shop/ on line 0 Strict Standards: Non-static method m1_loader::dir_catalog() should not be called statically in /public_html/shop/ on line 0 Strict Standards: Non-static method m1_loader::getinstance() should not be called statically in public_html/shop/m1_loader
I have some questions and work on oscommerce 2.2 migration to 2.3.4 and Creloaded migration to Oscommerce 2.3.4 boostrap. The work are relatively similar and simple for both sites.
Scope of Work I currently am using a creloaded website that you can see at . I would like to use Prestashop 1.6. I need an import module to take the txt file my supplier provides and bring it into prestashop. To get the file I go to and give my username and password. I then save as the webpage to a txt file. Example file included. These are the fields it contains. SKU Reference Code ProductName Name Manufacturer Manufacturer ProductDescription1 Short Description ProductDescription2 Description SubModelDescription Not sure yet what this is MainImageURL Image ShippingWeight Package Weight Caliber New Txt Field Velocity New Txt Field Parentage
I am fed up with freelancers bidding for my projects without reading them first – so I will delete all bids that do not start with the word “Fan”. You will have excellent communication skills, extensive knowledge of creloaded, custom coding PHP and WordPress. For the website we recommend the following: A new website that uses a professional feature rich design, images and logo consistent to the brand, with extensive search fields including breadcrumbs, categories and sub and sub sub categories, search by part ID or keyword and grouping by price. New website to be created as a WordPress theme with the following features and benefits; A static header so that when the site is scrolled the contact number and all to action always shows Navigation similar to the ...
Hi manager2015, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat or phone if you wish. We are using CRELoaded Commerce. Current PHP version: 5.6.30 We are having several difficulties with the site that need to be addressed. First, in our Admin page we are unable to access our Manage Vender for shipping. The FedEx module is adding a shipping tax, most of the time being $16.00, but not always. It only does this on our Home Delivery option, (FedEx Standard). If you select something other than Home Delivery (default) and return to Home Delivery, it removes the shipping Tax. The other issue has to do with our PayPal module, which is not working correctly. We have it turned off for now. We would like to address these issues asap. Th... and we are looking for candidate who can match our reputation and sincerity. Our Requirement is for :- 1>FREELANCE PHP programmer 2>FREELANCE Logo designer 3>FREELANCE web & graphics designer Working knowledge in web technologies including PHP(4,5), MySql, HTML ,HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, Jquery, SMARTY. Knowledge of Opensource CMS (Joomla, Wordpress, Magento, Drupal, CRELoaded, oscommerce, X-cart) & Web technologies including Adobe illustartor .photoshop, Corel draw. Candidate must be responsible, sincere, dynamic, hardworking. Must be able to work efficiently in a team as well as alone. Should have an excellent knowledge of working technologies and frameworks. Should be able to finish work on time and with 100% accuracy. Should have...
currently I need to manually back up all CREloaded data. I like to have a automatic backup function built-in so I don't forget that. this function will create new backup automatically and delete outdated backup. must familiar with CREloaded
Hello, we need: 1) Design for online store on woocomerce *home page that will look like -header include: Home, Brands, Catalog, About Us, My account, Login -store c...Catalog page looks like with left side search tool bar * Product page the same * One page checkout 2 We need 2 payment receivers(for example customer added 2 product in shopping cart, one from perfumes catalogs, another from apparel catalog and make one payment we need that payments go to different accounts but invisible for customers, like it's done on ebay) 3 we need migration from creloaded to woocomerce: about 2000 products 13000 clients 5000 last orders. All product must have original url from previous online store. Please send us total and also separate prices for section 1,2,3. Thank you
Hello, we need: 1) Design for online store on woocomerce *home page that will look like -header include: Home, Brands, Catalog, About Us, My account, Login looks like with left side search tool bar * Product page the same * One page checkout 2 We need 2 payment receivers(for example customer added 2 product in shopping cart, one from perfumes catalogs, another from apparel catalog and make one payment we need that payments go to different accounts but invisible for customers, like it's done on ebay) 3 we need migration from creloaded to woocomerce: about 2000 products 13000 clients 5000 last orders. All product must have original url from previous online store. Please send us total and also separate prices for section 1,2,3. Thank you
Welcome to our listing. We have a script that uploads listings from our creloaded/oscommerce website to ebay, listing the items with images and descriptions etc. The script is not working fully at the moment and the developer site is showing the error as: AddFixedPriceItem, succesful 7, failed 5313 There is also an error with the ReviseInventoryStatus, 0 succesful, 4110 failed. If you can help resolve this issue please place a bid Thanks
Welcome to our listing. We have a script that uploads listings from our creloaded/oscommerce website to ebay, listing the items with images and descriptions etc. The script is not working fully at the moment and the developer site is showing the error as: AddFixedPriceItem, succesful 7, failed 5313 There is also an error with the ReviseInventoryStatus, 0 succesful, 4110 failed. If you can help resolve this issue please place a bid Thanks
we need someone to replace existing payment gateway system within our site. It will require sending information to , then receiving the response to upgrade a person's quote to an order. Our site is a modified CreLoaded (OS Commerce) site. HOW OUR SYSTEM WORKS: 1) We receive orders from customers initially without any payment required (it is treated as a quote request). ORDER STATUS: SENT 2) We check details and add the shipping cost and advise the customer of the overall cost etc. ORDER STATUS: READY TO ORDER 3) Customer returns to the quote/order in their account area and fills in credit card information. If their payment is successful the order will update to ORDER STATUS: ORDERED It is in step 3 above that we need the credit card information to be sent ...
i need to transfer 135 pages of CMS from creloaded to magento must contain identical values for -title -meta title - meta description - keywords -description - URL path ( IMPORTANT)
looking for a shopify expert to migrate our products from our CRELoaded site migrate our customers and their accounts so they can be used from CRELoaded to shopify. when migrating products we currently have 3 statuses for an item (grey = discontinued, red= not displaying on front end, green = displaying on front end). we need this to carry over to shopify and have the ability to red/green a product in the future. the items you will display on shopify front end will only be green. you must also transfer the categories as they are in our original site to shopify. after migrating products and customers you will need to: setup from start to finish the shopify site setup apps on shopify site including: swell, seo image optimizer, SEO, quickview, social autopilot, easy co...
Hi, we need to integrate our internet shop with pay4later service. Shop is based on old CRELoaded version, which is based on osCommerce 2.2MS2 An example of already working solution can be seen here: Documentation can be found here: ( 'Online' -> 'Website') Thank you.
We purchased a responsive osCommerce template and had it installed on our creloaded site (it is still in a test folder). We seem to have everyting working except that there are some issues with the way the responsive template is resizing. We have four issues that I need addressed. 1. Slider resizing is not working correctly. You can see where the fields are overlapping Full size Smaller size 2. One of the boxes is not keeping the proportions when it is resizing. This is a bit odd as another box below it with an image is staying in proportion. Full size smaller size 3. The boxes are all over the place and looking very odd at some
I need to transfer (on Oscommerce CRELoaded site) to a more current CMS with shopping cart. Needs to have retail/wholesale functionality. All products need to be transferred. Also will be looking to have more products added from different websites to be added to this website. Also in the process of transferring from one host to another, have current backup for easy transfer. Open to suggestions for easier transition.
After moving website to a new server the admin Home page will not load correctly. The top menus load but the bottom of the page will not load. Please see image before bidding
I have made a copy of our main CRE Loaded Professional B2B v6.3.3 with patch:3 at revision:1847 site onto our new php 5.5 server and need an experienced Cre loaded programmer to update the depreciated code and any other issues sorted to get the test site ready and fully working on PHP 5.5. You will need to update all of the depreciated code and get the site ready for production use. There may also be a few configuration errors that need to be sorted which need to be set because its a test site. The site is running and the admin seems to be perfect. The site has been modified over the years so please be aware of this before quoting. As i said before this is a test site so it can be worked on without pressure. Some of the errors that are present currently are shown below. There are mor...
My website is based on a CreLoaded template. It uses php and MySQL. The site currently plays Flash video files only. I would like to upgrade the site so it can play MP4 videos and work on iPads and other devices. I've attached what I think are the 2 pages that would need revising. If I need to buy a new video player let me know.
Need website or template with the same idea of //justfab/shoedazzle/.com// needs a backend, fine if its oscommerce or creloaded same functions as the previous listed site examples if it has the site stylist software that is fine, must have be a monthy subscription shopping site. more details released to buyer. its a simple project, can modify a matching template to run these functions.
Fix some problems with a customized php creloaded shop cart.
We purchased a responsive osCommerce template and had it installed on our creloaded site (it is still in a test folder). It is mostly done but there are few things left and they guy I that has been working on it has flaked off so I need someone to finish it. I am looking for a price on completing the three things below. I imagine that I will find a few more minor things before we take the new site live so I would like an Hourly/Daily rate as well for any additional needed fixes that I find. If you need any additional info to give a quote let me know. Slider Price - I need the price oval centered over the slider dots even when the screen size changes. Shopping cart page - we get two different bad results. I have no idea why we get different
I need credit card with CCV module on my creloaded 6.5 cart. Does anyone know where to get it and install it?
...feature. Spam blocking feature. Each page custom note feature. Merchants profile page. Advance Database mapping feature so the different format of datafeeds : Xml (every website format differs), Jason (every website format differs), Csv (every website format differs), can uploaded with their different formats. Plugins to Crawl the Following Shopping Carts. Creloaded shopping cart plug-in for crawling creloaded shopping cart. CsCart shopping cart plug-in for crawling CsCart shopping cart. CubeCart shopping cart plug-in for crawling CubeCart shopping cart. Interspire shopping cart plug-in for crawling Interspire shopping cart. Magento shopping cart plug-in for crawling Magento shopping cart. Oos_shop shopping cart plug-in for crawling Oos_shop shopping...
We need to upload quantity, stock prices and create new items from our creloaded 6 website on with a daily upload via cron. We need to ensure that we dont upload duplicate products because ebay take it very seriously now. We have stock from 4 different suppliers so there will be lots of duplicates. So best is to sort by lower price, then to not allow duplicate EAN barcode. This way the cheapest of each is successful and other duplicates are excluded. Close all existing: We also need to ensure existing listings are closed, then new fresh upload of quantities. Maybe upload previous upload with quanitity set to 0. Or download active listings from file exchange and set all to 0. This is to ensure items no longer existing in the DB are also removed from ebay. Blacklist: We
The goal is to add mobile capability to existing creloaded site. The preferred solution is to install mobile add on using the main website infrastructure. Please send existing sample work with your bid.
Scope: We are looking for a talented developer who can build a magento theme for our new website, based off of our existing creloaded website's graphics. We are open to lightly evolving the look, it hasn't been changed in 7 years - as long as it's a step forward. Detail: We are migrating a CRELoaded 6.2 B2B store to Magento. We have imported all of the categories, products, orders, customers, etc. We need our existing website graphic layout converted/redeveloped for Magento. Existing store: New store:
We would like to output all of the stock from our creloaded shop to our ebay account and manage the quantity and prices each day by cron job. Features to include - Adding new listings to ebay when new items are added to our catalogue (use Add function in Action column of upload file) Updating price (including profit% and profit fixed) and quantity each day. Need to use Revise function in Action column of upload file) Update titles using link table to add keywords and use maximum 80 characters, e.g: "Bio-Oil 200ml Bio-Oil" changes to "Bio-Oil 200ml BioOil Skin Care stretch marks pregnancy moisturiser cream". New table has 2 columns SKU and New Title Add default description template Category mapping - webstore to ebay Update EAN barcodes with defaults ...
We would like to output all of the stock from our creloaded shop to our ebay account and manage the quantity and prices each day by cron job. Features to include - Adding new listings to ebay when new items are added to our catalogue (use Add function in Action column of upload file) Updating price (including profit% and profit fixed) and quantity each day. Need to use Revise function in Action column of upload file) Update titles using link table to add keywords and use maximum 80 characters, e.g: "Bio-Oil 200ml Bio-Oil" changes to "Bio-Oil 200ml BioOil Skin Care stretch marks pregnancy moisturiser cream". New table has 2 columns SKU and New Title Add default description template Category mapping - webstore to ebay Update EAN barcodes with defaults ...
We would like to output all of the stock from our creloaded shop to our ebay account and manage the quantity and prices each day by cron job. Features to include - Adding new listings to ebay when new items are added to our catalogue (use Add function in Action column of upload file) Updating price (including profit% and profit fixed) and quantity each day. Need to use Revise function in Action column of upload file) Update titles using link table to add keywords and use maximum 80 characters, e.g: "Bio-Oil 200ml Bio-Oil" changes to "Bio-Oil 200ml BioOil Skin Care stretch marks pregnancy moisturiser cream". New table has 2 columns SKU and New Title Add default description template Category mapping - webstore to ebay Update EAN barcodes with defaults ...
We would like to output all of the stock from our creloaded shop to our ebay account and manage the quantity and prices each day by cron job. Features to include - Adding new listings to ebay when new items are added to our catalogue (use Add function in Action column of upload file) Updating price (including profit% and profit fixed) and quantity each day. Need to use Revise function in Action column of upload file) Update titles using link table to add keywords and use maximum 80 characters, e.g: "Bio-Oil 200ml Bio-Oil" changes to "Bio-Oil 200ml BioOil Skin Care stretch marks pregnancy moisturiser cream". New table has 2 columns SKU and New Title Add default description template Category mapping - webstore to ebay Update EAN barcodes with defaults ...
Currently we have Page Image Thumbnail Upload feature I want to have similar feature, but it is for upload attachment file (such as PDF, docs, ppt) Please see requirement in the link
We are looking for an experience web programmer with solid OScommerce shopping cart skill to fix our problem. We are running an CRE Loaded OScommerce shopping cart on a Drupal web site. When a customer ttempts to place an order and clicks on the "Checkout" button, the system whirls away for a few minutes without advancing and finally there is a message "Internal error has occurred." No orders are going through now. I receive multiple emails with "Critical Store Error" and the content says: "Query Error reported on page /shop/ MySQL error: 2006 - MySQL server has gone away" This also problem happened a few months ago but we can't recall how it was fixed. The goal of this project is to fix the core issues that cause of MySQL gone away. ...
I have added a photo album in Creload. Now I want the link to be URL Friendly See detail in project file: