Amazon firePekerjaan
menjual dan membeli akun game mobile legend dan free fire DLL
Dear teman freelance, kami butuh jasa amazon webservice untuk aplikasi kami yang akan di gunakan kurang lebih 1,5 juta users per hari
Kami membutuhkan ahli dalam menganalisa barang di Indonesia yang dapat di jual di Amazon dengan keuntungan yang lumayan, barang yang akan di jual harus memiliki UPC di amazon (dapat di jual). Kami fokus di FBA (Fullfilment by Amazon)
Hallo, saya membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa membuat website top up voucher game otomatis seperti diamond mobile legends, free fire dan lain sebagainya. untuk contoh website : [login to view URL] , [login to view URL] , [login to view URL] untuk domain dan hosting saya sudah membelinya, untuk payment gateway biar pembayaran juga otomatis saya memakai [login to view URL] dan [login to view URL] dan untuk supplier voucher gamenya saya memakai API Terimakasih
Hallo, saya membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa membuat website top up voucher game otomatis seperti diamond mobile legends, free fire dan lain sebagainya. untuk contoh website : , , untuk domain dan hosting saya sudah membelinya, untuk payment gateway biar pembayaran juga otomatis saya memakai dan dan untuk supplier voucher gamenya saya memakai API Terimakasih
Kami membutuhkan freelance untuk sales marketing produk kami, seperti cctv, pabx, alarm, akses door, internet wifi, gps, fingerprint,fire alarm, runing text dll
HI Saya mau membuat sebuah datacenter untuk produk amazon category tertentu. Yang mana datacenter hanya untuk menyimpan file (json) dari hasil grabber (script tersendiri dari datacenter)
Web aplikasi sudah jadi, hanya ada beberapa menu dan laporan yang harus di tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan ...tambah Menambah menu -Menambah kode customer -Laporan export data customer per-orangan dan perusahaan dalam excel per 1- 3 bulan (kode 1 perorangan dan 2 perusahaan) -Laporan underlying net jual data transaksi (memisahkan transaksi peroranga- Bank - perusahaan) -Menu create cabang, transfer stok antar cabang -Revisi beberapa halaman yang kurang pas -Mengerti AWS Cloud, karena hosting di taruh di Amazon Web Service Cloud -React JS -Postgresql -Golang -Kita minta design / mock up dulu, setelah acc lalu pengerjaan di utamakan : -Yang memiliki portfolio -Foku...
...Mexico, if I don't give results they fire me very week I only have 3 minutes to present the progress of the project to my bosses, at that time they ask me to make a graphic presentation of what is estimated visits against what is real visits, I do not submit an activity report, they do not care, this graph is the one that I have to present to my bosses every week the first thing I need to award you is for you to help me estimate the expected visits I don't know how it is in other parts of the world but in Mexico we are measured by results If the expectation is 100% and we reach: 110% or more they give us bonus (more money) 100% excelent 90% no problem 80% no problem, some questions 70% no problem, many questions 60% much more questions 50% or less , they fire...
Saya ingin install aplikasi kursus online interactive seperti Bigbluebutton atau sejenisnya. Hanya sampai aplikasinya jalan saja. Selanjutnya saya yang akan mengisi content kursusnya. 1. Hostname sudah ada 2. Set up dedicated server seperti amazon EC2, digitalocean dll 3. Install aplikasi seperti Bigbluebutton atau sejenisnya (silakan direkomendasikan)
Busco ilustrador, diseñador gráfico para realizar tapa y contratapa para un libro de tapa blanda, con las características de Amazon. Diseño a partir de imagen que le paso.
Ijinkan Kami untuk membantu penulisan artikel web usaha anda, baik SEO, periklanan, Toko Online, media berita, content marketing, content instagram, fb ads, dan lainnya. Jenis artikel yang kami layani: SEO, artikel ulang, Natural, Terjemahan. review produk [Baik produk lokal maupun produk affiliate seperti amazon, dll. Artikel Custom, Artikel yang dibuat sesuai kebutuhan anda. Tema artikel yang kami layani: Health, Business, Finance, Travelling, Electronic, Gadget, Baju Muslim, Herbal, Olahraga, Dll. Note : Kami tidak menerima artikel Judi, SARA, Hoax, dan semua jenis artikel yang melanggar hukum. Mau langsung order? Silahkan chat kami disini. Kelebihan jasa penulis artikel yang kami sediakan, kami juga memiliki pemahaman mengenai SEO On Page, dengan diberikanya pelatihan khusu...
Presiso portada para e book y tapa blanda
Buscamos un experto para AWS
membuat website untk penjualan di amazon
Kami menyediakan solusi keamanan (security system solution) yang menjadi pilihan utama konsumen, memberikan layanan instalasi yang prima dan purna jual yang memuaskan. Layanan jasa instalasi pemasanagan security system kami meliputi produk; CCTV Analog, CCTV AHD, IP Camera, Fingerprint, Access Door Lock, Fire Alarm dan Security Alarm.
Kami membuat toko online yang terhubung dengan inventory kami yang ada di Amazon (FBA/Fulfillment by Amzon) - MCF melalui API nya. Proses otomatis untuk pemprosesan order dan penyesuaian stock. Edite-able untuk Deskripsi, Harga, dan Gambar. Menerima pembayaran paypal, amazon pay SEO friendly
Desain sebuah logo Jadi logo ini saya buat lebih bagus seperti logo nya huruf: N,so aku kayak edit dibelakangnya seperti blue fire atau lainya
hi i am looking for interesting employors, i can work 8h/day,5 days in week for long time send me your offer if you really interesting
Kami membutuhkan seseorang programmer PHP yang bisa menghandel aplikasi yang sudah jalan untuk revisi atau penambahanan fitur baru. Kami tidak mengunakan framework. Website berupa E-Commerce, detail: Lingkup pekerjaan: - Memperbaiki bug yang ada - Menambah Fitur baru - Memodifikasi fitur yang ada - API integration (Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, dll) - Javascript (JQuery, ) Pekerjaan bisa di remote, dangan salery bulanan.
Nyari orang yang bisa Buat Checker [ Amazon Account Checker ] cUrl
Butuh 3 copywriter untuk review produk kosmetik 1) Konten dalam bahasa Indonesia dan melakukan rewrite dari situs-situs review makeup seperti makeup alley, amazon, dan lainnya. 2) Konten berisi review terkait hasil penggunaan, kelebihan, kekurangan tips, cara pakai, link ke halaman produk di principal dan/atau informasi produk yang mendukung keputusan pembaca untuk membeli produk tersebut. (Informasi Tidak harus hanya yang baiknya saja, yang negatif juga boleh) 3) Kategori yang ada make up related: lipstick, foundation, mascara, dll 4) Pekerjaan akan dibagi dalam 3 batch (1 batch = 1 copywriter), budget 1 batch = 500.000 Copywriter yang tertarik 1) dapat mengirimkan total jumlah produk yang dapat dikerjakan untuk 1 batch dengan budget di atas. 2) mengirimkan contoh p...
mendesign fire frotection dan plumbing dan air condution
adalah portal CV Online pertama di Indonesia, kami membutuhkan modifikasi desain agar dapat tampil lebih menarik, elegan dan profesional. Kami ingin desain dalam bentuk PSD dan convert ke HTML. Halaman yang kami perlukan untuk dimodifikasi adalah homepage, pendaftaran, statik menu (tentang kam...modifikasi desain agar dapat tampil lebih menarik, elegan dan profesional. Kami ingin desain dalam bentuk PSD dan convert ke HTML. Halaman yang kami perlukan untuk dimodifikasi adalah homepage, pendaftaran, statik menu (tentang kami & kontak). silahkan kunjungi lalu berikan masukan yang menurut Anda perlu untuk kategori situs yang kami miliki. Sebaiknya mengirimkan sketsa wire fire agar kami lebih mudah menyeleksi desain mana yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan kami.
Saya akan membuatkan anda website online shopping melalui link afiliasi amazon, anda hanya menyiapkan akun web hosting handal, domain, dan afiliasi tag, public key, secret key afiliasi amazon, anda berikan akun cpanel anda : username dan password serta domain yang ingin di jadikan online shop, dan kami akan langsung memasang online shop pada website/domain anda. Fitur Online Shop saya : 1. Otomatis Link, Gambar, Nama, Kategori Produk langsung terimpor ke website anda, jadi lebih menghemat waktu dan tenaga di depan layar komputer 2. Mobile Friendly, website anda dapat diakses di semua smartphones 3. Dapat memasang iklan di website anda 4. Loading website sangat cepat karena semua gambar langsung dari amazon 5. Open source code, anda dapat mengcoding ulang sesuai de...
Fire Fighting Pumps (Jockey Pump, Diesel Pump, Elektric Pump) - Pengadaan, Pemasangan dan Pengetesan Peralatan Utama, termasuk kipas, motor, coil, saringan, boks motor plenum, spiral/karet anti getar, panel mesin, dudukan, penyangga, dan semua aksesoris pendukung sebagai suatu sistem peralatan mesin utama sesuai spesifikasi dari pabrik, dipasang pada lokasi yang telah ditentukan sesuai gambar, spesifikasi dan petunjuk pabrik pembuat Jockey Pump Nama : Pompa Kebakaran Type : Vertical Multi Stage Kapasitas : 25 gpm, 12,5 Bar Head : - Putaran : - Daya Listrik : 4 kw Sistem Operasi : Automatic On - Off Diesel Pump Nama : Pompa Kebakaran Type : Horizontal Split Cast Kapasitas : 750 gpm, 13,4 Bar Head : - Putaran : - Daya Listrik : - Sistem Operasi : Automatic O...
saya melihat sebuah template toko online dari magento dan saya menyukainya dan setelah saya perhatikan tidak ada disana menu atau fungsi multivendor atau mul tiseller, saya ingin ini di ubah dan ditambahkan menu multivendornya dan multisellernya seperti amazon. ini link websitenya bisa di bantu :
Ini merupakan proyek lanjutan dari proyek pertama IIXSoft Tools - Tools Untuk Developer pada Proyek pertama mengenai "teknologi yang mendasari internet" - hardware seperti perkembangan komputer, pc, laptop, tablet dll, -operating system & netw opsys seperti windows, linux, unix, android, ios, bb, dll. -networking seperti tcp/ip dan layana...html5, css3, php, mysql, javascript dan beberapa software di-attach dalam paket yi appserv (apache,php,mysql,phpmyadmin), java sdk & java se. Proyek lanjutan yang ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan -hardware mobile seperti laptop, cellular menjadi smartphone dan tablet -operating system seperti android, dll -mobile networking seperti access point, blue tooth, wi-fi dll - memanfaatkan tools amazon web ...
We are looking for an expert. We need to add approximately 150 products from our suppliers site to our selling account. You will need to copy and paste the data as no spreadsheets will be provided. All products will need to be added into the "everything else" category since none of them have UPC numbers, this is the only way you ...that you will add will be split between two website, one of them contains approximately 115 products and you will add approximately 35 from a second website. You will need to add: Product Name: Product SKU Number: Brand Name Model Number: Product Price: Quantity: Product Photo(s) Five keywords per product Product Descriptions Looking to complete this project ASAP. Freelancers with Amazon experience will be our first choice.
I'm just starting a dropshipping business focused on furniture. I have specific suppliers already, but I need a professional to help me set up my Shopify store. Please note, the ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Shopify, understanding of dropshipping business model, and ideally some knowledge about the furni...professional to help me set up my Shopify store. Please note, the ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Shopify, understanding of dropshipping business model, and ideally some knowledge about the furniture industry. A proven track record in setting up successful dropshipping sites will be an advantage. need to solve minor product related errors and make shopify make live on amazon & walmart Write : Ok" in re...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up and manage my sales outreach on Instagram and via Email. The primary aim of this initiative is to drive direct sales conversions, targeting small businesses specifically. Our Target Audience: Consumer Electronic Brands who sell on Amazon USA or have independent stores. Few examples of brands we work with: 1More, UGREEN, Laifen, Meletrix, KeyChron, etc. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effective sales strategy on Instagram and Email - Target small businesses with tailored outreach - Drive direct sales conversions through engaging content and persuasive communication Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2B sales - Proficiency in social media marketing, particularly Instagram - Excellent email marketing skills...
I'm encountering persistent issues while trying to list my product on Amazon under a "Generic" brand name with an approved GTIN exemption. Despite having my GTIN exemption status confirmed as active, I'm continually receiving an error message indicating that GTIN exemption is required. The project requires a freelancer with: - Proven experience in resolving technical issues on Amazon - In-depth understanding of Amazon's listing procedures and policies - Familiarity with the use of Google Chrome for Amazon listings - Excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot and rectify the issue at hand. I need someone to help me get this resolved so I can successfully list my product.
I've been tasked with creating a one-page document that highlights my contributions to an event I was hired to create and throw for various Amazon companies. I need a freelancer who can help me articulate and format this in a compelling and professional manner. Key Contributions: PRODUCE: WEBSITE - APP - SWAG - BUILDING ART - Planning and brand creation - Creative design work - Marketing materials developed for the event The goal is to showcase my diverse skill set and contributions to the event, emphasizing the planning, branding, and creative design aspects. The one-pager should effectively communicate the value of my work to potential future clients. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and communication abilities - Graphic design skills for visual presentation - Experi...
...professional to design and create four compelling Amazon product listings for my plumbing and aquatic equipment. The main aim of these listings is to increase sales, so a persuasive and technically proficient tone is essential. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Amazon's listing structure and SEO - Proven track record in sales-oriented product descriptions - Technical proficiency in plumbing and aquatic equipment Your tasks will include: - Designing the listings with appealing visuals and engaging layouts - Crafting detailed, professional and technical product descriptions - Identifying and incorporating relevant keywords to enhance visibility The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in e-commerce, particularly Amazon, and a deep understanding o...
I'm looking to build a single-family home using autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). The house should prioritize the following features: - Energy Efficiency: The design and materials used should...features: - Energy Efficiency: The design and materials used should minimize energy consumption and maximize sustainability. - Sound Insulation: The home should be a peaceful retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. - Fire Resistance: Given the materials used, the house should incorporate fire-resistant elements to ensure safety. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with AAC construction, and a deep understanding of energy-efficient design principles. Expertise in sound-proofing techniques and fire-resistant materi...
I need a professional to seamlessly link my existing Shopify store with various marketplaces. The primary focus will be Amazon, followed by eBay, Etsy, Fruggo, Google shopping, Bing shopping, Onbuy, Walmart, Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok, and Youtube, Wix & Square. Key tasks: - Primary linking of my Shopify store to Amazon - Subsequent integration with eBay, Etsy, and other listed platforms - Ensuring all orders are fulfilled automatically via DSers dropshipping (already signed up) - Getting Google back on as it's got a violaton. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in Shopify store integration - Expertise in DSers dropshipping - Familiarity with the listed marketplaces - Strong problem solving and communication skills. Please only apply...
Overview: We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Shopify & Amazon Product Management Specialist to manage product listings, optimize website performance, and streamline inventory processes. This role requires an individual with a deep understanding of both Shopify and Amazon platforms, as well as experience in handling product variations, optimizing meta fields, and automating stock management for dropshipping. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of managing e-commerce platforms and delivering quality results in a timely manner. Key Responsibilities: Shopify: List new products (rugs) on Shopify, ensuring all variations (color and size) are properly configured. Review the existing Shopify website to provide actionable recommendations for perform...
...searches. (15 minutes) 10. Add a close (X) button to the login box in the footer, under the "Sell" section, to make it easier for users to dismiss it. **(Note: This already exists on the web version, so this task is only for fixing the responsiveness issue.)** (20 minutes) 11. Assist in preparing and publishing all products to Amazon. The module is installed from Webkul, but what is missing are ASINs and some other details. Ensure that everything is correct since Amazon is asking for many things in the Webkul module. (60 minutes) Skills Required: - Strong expertise in Magento 2.4.3 frontend and backend development - In-depth knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to handle frontend changes and visual design adjustments - Experience with Magento SEO optimizatio...
Amazon Product Banners. 3 Cover Banners and 3 Product showcase banners
...d=0069ee89-c56d-4cdc-977d-b3ed57db6e63 Chelsea Boot black Goodyear welt Black/brown suede buckle Goodyear welt Black/suede Goodyear welt Fire Patina Goodyear welt Ox blood Goodyear Welt ROYAL BELT COLLECTION (ALL £149) Gareth Beckwith Crown to Cuff
I'm seeking a seasoned Ecommerce Brand Manager with hands-on experience managing Amazon SC, Flipkart, and Shopify. Your responsibilities will include account management, overseeing our performance across these platforms, P&L management, and executing marketing and promotion strategies. Key Responsibilities: - Account Management: overseeing and optimizing our presence on these platforms. - Ecommerce Platform Management: ensuring our operations on Amazon SC, Flipkart and Shopify run smoothly. - P&L Management: tracking and managing our profits and losses. - Sales and Performance Analysis: interpreting data to inform our strategy. - Marketing and Promotion: devising and implementing effective campaigns on these platforms. - Competitive Analysis: keeping a close ey...
I'm in need of a versatile Virtual Assistant proficient in managing tasks across both Shopify and Amazon. The role primarily focuses on product listing, but also extends to other significant tasks that ensure smooth and efficient e-commerce operations. Key Responsibilities: - Product listing on Shopify and Amazon - Order processing - Customer support - Inventory management - Research - Video editing - Image editing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with Shopify and Amazon is preferred - Proficiency in video and image editing - Excellent research skills - Strong background in customer support and order processing - Familiarity with inventory management The goal is to streamline my e-commerce operations, enhance product visibility, and ultimatel...
...check the attached documents: - 4 units Caminitti pdf - site plan Parking lot, retention pond must be where it is on the site plan - Caminitti Vision for more details. Key elements of the project include: - Designing a community park with simple yet aesthetically pleasing elements like trees, benches, palm trees, and lights. - Integrating a gazebo, pergola, sport court for volleyball/basketball, fire pit, and benches into the park. - Creating a sense of community within the design. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in landscaping and site plan design, particularly for residential communities. - Deep understanding and appreciation for traditional landscaping styles. - Ability to incorporate various community elements into a cohesive and visually app...
I am seeking a seasoned professional in Amazon FBA/FBM management. I have a registered company in Australia and I'm looking to set up an account to start selling products on Amazon in Australia. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Amazon FBA/FBM management - Proficient in Amazon account setup, particularly in account settings and compliance - Outstanding product research skills Your role will primarily involve assisting me with product research, as I need guidance on selecting viable products to sell. The ideal freelancer will have a deep understanding of the Australian market and can recommend potential products across various categories, particularly electronics, clothing, and home goods. You will also need to help with the initial account se...