Freelancer: svnmondalbd
Laporkan Entri

Sir, i did your job

Sir I have created this Ui based on the pdf file you provided. I have written the code completely by my own hand. I hope you like my work. I'm uploading the UI to my hosting to show you directly. Sir, there was a request to see my work on your computer. It is not fully mobile responsive. If you get good results, I will make Ui more beautiful and finally develop it in Wordpress. Thank you.

Entri Kontes #28 untuk                                                Build me a website

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • svnmondalbd
    • 3 tahun yang lalu

    Thank you sir. I am very happy to get your good results. I will update my work completely and add live link to you. Thank you.

    • 3 tahun yang lalu
  • svnmondalbd
    • 3 tahun yang lalu

    I will be able to develop the design in such a way that you can manage the site without any coding experience. Thank you.

    • 3 tahun yang lalu
  • svnmondalbd
    • 3 tahun yang lalu

    See the Ui Live:

    • 3 tahun yang lalu
    1. svnmondalbd
      • 3 tahun yang lalu

      • 3 tahun yang lalu
  • svnmondalbd
    • 3 tahun yang lalu

    Sir, Need any changes please let me know .thank you.

    • 3 tahun yang lalu

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