Freelancer: parikhan4i
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If you want to use popup then you can use 1st image otherwise 2nd image there is a same form as popup on top, please give me your feedback and suggestion.

Entri Kontes #4 untuk                                                Design a Website Mockup for Landing Page

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • GPGData
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 9 tahun yang lalu

    It is a great site. I may use this for the actual full on site. I am just not there yet. This is just a little too much for the page I need right now. It is a great design though and like I said may still use.

    • 9 tahun yang lalu
    1. parikhan4i
      • 9 tahun yang lalu

      It is just a mocup i tried to give it a look of a original site, i can develop it too in few days..btw thanks there is another design might be you forgot to see that please check and rate that...right now i am uploading one more entry hoping for the highest rating :) waiting for your response.

      • 9 tahun yang lalu
    2. parikhan4i
      • 9 tahun yang lalu

      please check my new entry #8

      • 9 tahun yang lalu