Freelancer: AlenaPolyah
Laporkan Entri


Hello. Here I present design I hope you enjoy it. All pictures are in the design, I bought. They are good quality and allowed for the free use. Please rate and give feedback.

Entri Kontes #5 untuk                                                Design Slider for Website

Papan Klarifikasi Publik

  • republicgmbh
    Penyelenggara Kontes
    • 9 tahun yang lalu

    I really like the way the fonts are colored and tuned to the backgrounds. Is there a way to disrupt the boxes around or differ the position from banner to banner so it looks more lively?

    • 9 tahun yang lalu
    1. AlenaPolyah
      • 9 tahun yang lalu

      Hello. Thank you for your comment. I am working on your design. Design show you soon.

      • 9 tahun yang lalu